When Does A Company Outgrow the Part-Time, In-House IT Expert?


Written by

David McBride

Published on

February 20, 2024

Every business relies on technology to support operations and communications internally and externally. Many new and growing businesses place someone into the role of managing and overseeing these IT systems. 

While this person usually has a decent familiarity with technology and problem-solving, there comes a point where dedicated, professional IT support becomes necessary. Often, this person has multiple responsibilities, leaving IT needs overlooked and under-managed—resulting in inefficiencies, patchwork solutions, and higher security risks. 

Businesses use this method to reduce costs, but the opposite often happens. Companies that rely on a single individual or small team for IT management without a Managed Service Provider or dedicated IT team typically face a variety of issues that lead to higher expenses and reduced profit from time spent fixing those issues. 

Here are a few key signs that your IT needs are outgrowing your in-house IT capabilities. 

Slow response times to IT needs or problems

One of the most telling signs that your in-house IT team can no longer keep up with your IT needs is when routine tasks are taking longer than expected and slowing down the workflow of your business. Day-to-day tasks such as managing software updates, minor troubleshooting, and overseeing network security should be easy to complete. 

As your business grows, the time and effort needed to oversee those tasks and minimize business disruption will increase. If your company is experiencing additional issues due to slow response times to IT issues, it’s time to outsource your IT needs. Additionally, if the company workflow is inefficient because valuable employees spend too much time focusing on IT needs, outsourcing and partnering with an MSP can fix those issues. 

Every issue requires extensive research

The landscape of technology is evolving fast. Old methods of managing IT infrastructures are becoming less and less comprehensive, less efficient, and less secure. If your in-house IT team struggles to keep up with updates and new technology, it’s time to outsource your IT management. 

As technology continues to change, IT teams need extensive knowledge of the changing landscape and the time to learn and focus on how that technology will benefit your business in the long run. Partnering with an MSP will allow you to bypass the cost of acquiring that knowledge and free up your internal team to focus on more vital tasks centered around growing your company. 

Additionally, outsourcing your IT needs will increase the support you receive and reduce the time it takes to resolve IT problems. With a larger pool of experts, MSPs provide in-depth knowledge that can help you use technology in ways to grow your business that your in-house team might not know about. A good Managed Service Provider will know how to get the most out of your resources to drive your business forward. 

“Fixes” create more problems

Another sign of needing to outsource your IT management is when your business requires constant repairs and patchwork solutions to the IT infrastructure. IT infrastructures cobbled together are fragile and vulnerable to basic human error, natural disasters, or cybercrime. When your company consistently requires fixes for previous fixes, it’s typically due to insufficient planning done in the past that leaves your company needing more in the future. 

Partnering with an MSP provides your company with 24/7 support that proactively identifies issues and implements long-term solutions to keep your business running as smoothly as possible. 

Escalating and unpredictable IT costs

When your IT solutions and repairs become volatile, your business can’t predict the costs or adequately budget. During one month, you might need to replace a computer, while in another, you are repairing a server or resolving a recurring security issue. Or, a recently implemented technology needs another solution to fit your business use case.

These inconsistencies lead to significantly higher expenses over time and can drastically limit your company’s profitability. Using an MSP, your company will most likely enter into a monthly agreement with a flat rate, providing stability and predictability with budgeting. In addition to budget predictability, MSPs will lower your overall cost by maintaining and overseeing your IT functions efficiently and effectively. 

Rapid business growth

When businesses grow fast, support needs to move faster. Companies that experience rapid growth likely feel the stress of the influx of clients on their IT systems and data security. 

When IT infrastructure is unprepared for rapid growth, businesses become more vulnerable to cybercrime and IT emergencies, affecting customer experiences and satisfaction. Working with an MSP provides businesses with expertise in protection and preparation that allows for rapid growth with minimal risk. 

MSPs know how to navigate the stress of keeping up with new customers while ensuring IT infrastructure stays safe and operational.

Your business works in or with compliance-heavy regulations 

Companies that work in compliance-heavy fields such as healthcare, legal, finance, and more must focus heavily on meeting specific standards and regulations for IT management, data storage, and data security. Violations against these compliances can be costly or even cause business operations to shut down until the regulations are met. 

Companies that work adjacent to compliance-heavy businesses must also stay compliant to ensure they remain safe and compliant with their partners. 

Working with an MSP with expertise in compliance-heavy industries ensures that IT systems and management comply with all standards and regulations. 

Choosing the Right MSP

The best MSP for your business will be able to evaluate your needs, know your industry, and deliver tangible results that provide more time for you to focus on vital business functions. Finding the right technology partner for your company takes time and intentionality. If your company is outgrowing its in-house IT support, knowing how to find the right MSP is essential. 

To help you choose an MSP that aligns with your company’s goals, we created a comprehensive guide on choosing a Managed Service Provider and a list of questions to ask when choosing an IT services provider.99Ten focuses on helping your business achieve its goals by increasing its profitability and efficiency. We provide comprehensive IT services to ensure your business runs securely day in and day out. You’re always welcome to ask any questions regarding choosing the right MSP or our services.